My Experiences About inzva Summer Algorithm Camp Qualification Round

Posted on 12 June, 2018 in inzva, Experience, Algorithm Camp

Hello there,

This blog post is about my experiences on inzva Summer Camp Qualification Round. First things are first. I think you wonder WTF is inzva? Right?

WTF is inzva?

Let's Start

inzva label itself as a hacker community. It does organize camps in both winter and summer. Very bright students from all over Turkey come to inzva for their camp. Since it has many applications for the camp, they do qualification round for selecting students. They want to take a student, who is truly interested in algorithms.

They also have study groups about machine learning, functional programming. Therefore, you can just knock on their door and join the study group that you want. Moreover, this is their website for the people who are interested.

How was the qualification round?

Let's Start

The qualification round was on HackerRank. There were 20 questions. They have a question about almost every topic like Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms, Shortest Path Algorithms, BFS, DFS and many more... Therefore, I can say that questions prepared properly and the contest did measure your knowledge. I got the 16th place from 200 participants from all around the country.

burakbugrul and keoto prepared this contest. They are also students at Istanbul Technical University, which is the best university in Turkey.

What do you expect from this camp?

I am really passionate about this experience. I think it will be glorious. As I said before, they organized one more in winter. However, things did not attend it. This camp involvement will be my first time. It will be marvelous to meet with brilliant people from all around the country. That actually what I expect from the camp. Meeting new people and learning some tricks about problem-solving.

Well, I missed this one. Are they going to organize one more?

Probably yes. They do organize this kind of camps in winter and summer. I highly recommend you to join the winter camp. For the people who wonder, We will stay in tents for the purpose of acknowledging the true camp experience. I am planning to write about the camp as well. It will start on 28/06/2018. Therefore, stay tuned.

Let's Start

I have special thanks for Giphy for awesome gifs.